Welcome To an untamed Roatan
free roaming macaws, white-face monkeys, and native iguanas.
Gumbalimba Park is a privately owned, eco-adventure and history park on the island of Roatan. The park was established in 2003. The name Gumbalimba Park comes from a tree native to the island called, gumbo limbo, but, the islanders know and call it Gumbalimba.
Few places in Roatan offer a complete list of activities as does Gumbalimba Park. There is something for everyone. The park includes a museum, a pool, animal interaction center, several botanical gardens, and a waterfront filled with water and submarine activities.
animal encounter
One of the key attractions at Gumbalimba is our animal attractions. In particular, our white faced monkey and macaw encounters whom are roaming freely around the park. Also, there are several iguana species. Its a great place for excellent photo opportunities for all visitors of all ages. Join us!
our mission
Roatan’s finest botanical garden, animal encounter, and family destination.

Helpful Tips & Tricks
Click below to learn more about what you might expect from a day visit to Gumbalimba Park in Roatan Honduras. We want to be sure you get the most out of your next visit, so we’ve put together a list of good things to know for you.